Paco Tapas pavement service

Paco Tapas restaurant is seeking formal permission for a pavement licence, allowing them to serve food and alcohol until 11pm every day  at tables outside the restaurant on Lower Guinea Street.  The application is linked to Premises Licence Number No.  15/07423/PREM. This licence has conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority held on 21st April 2016. The conditions include:

  1. Music shall not be played at a level that will cause unreasonable disturbance to the occupants of any properties in the vicinity.
  2. No speakers for amplification of music or speech shall be placed on the outside the premises.
  3. Except for access and egress all external doors and windows shall be kept closed during periods of live music, karaoke or DJ\’s playing recorded music.

It is not clear whether these conditions will still be in place if the pavement licence is granted.

If you would like to object or comment on the Paco Tapas application, email our  Councillor Kye Dudd.


5 thoughts on “Paco Tapas pavement service”

  1. It is much safer in terms of the pandemic for people to meet and eat outdoors. The Ostrich pub has vastly expanded outdoor seating including building structures and teepee tents .
    I support the Paco Tapas application for more outdoor seating.

    1. Bathurst Basin is predominantly a residential area with other venues including the Ostrich required by licence that all outside areas are cleared and quiet by 10pm, and they play no music outside at all.

    2. As a note I don’t think they are looking to increase the amount of outdoor seating beyond what has been there over the summer (that’s my reading of the application is that it is the latter). But that doesn’t mean there isn’t cause for concern, eg on the timings of using the outdoor area.
      As far as I am aware the pavement licence doesn’t supersede any of the conditions in the original premises licence but that is something I am seeking clarification on.

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